(県央)潟上市 草木谷地域 / Kusakidani Area, Katagami City
令和5年9月24日 / September 24th, 2023

Rikinosuke Ishikawa, known as the god of agriculture of Akita Prefecture, has conducted agriculture in the remote mountainous village of the Kusakidani area. On this day, a rice harvesting activity and wildlife research took place. The participants are children who might become like Rikinosuke in the future.

In the valley’s rice paddies, the groundwater is high, making it muddy and hard to work, so the harvested rice is carried to the stake for drying in the sun.



The shack where Rikinosuke lived in seclusion as well as the wooden board which he used to strike to wake up the villagers early in the morning are carefully preserved there. On this day, the sound of striking the board echoed loudly in the Kusakidani valley, summoning the participants to the activity site.
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取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己