(県南)湯沢市 貝沼地域 / Kainuma Area, Yuzawa City

令和5年11月5日 / November 5th, 2023



The Kainuma area, consisting of 30 households, is situated in front of the Minase Dam. This area has been mentioned in Sugae Masumi Yuranki, an ancient travel journal written by a renowned poet, and stands as one of the designated spots of Yuzawa Geopark.


Upon entering the village area, you’ll encounter 3 stone-made statues of Dosojin, which enshrine a deity believed to ward off infectious diseases from infiltrating the villages. The villagers affectionally refer to it as “ningyosama” (the great doll). In the spring and fall, the residents get together to create new straw clothing and change the clothes of the ningyosama.


Furthermore, every year, the residents have organized an event at the community center adjacent to the shrine to celebrate members reaching the age of 80. The people strengthen the community bonds through these events.



※【貝沼地域】湯沢市皆瀬 令和1年度認定

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