(県南)湯沢市 板戸地域 / Itado Area, Yuzawa City

令和5年8月、9月 / August/September 2023


In the Itado Area, there are 72 family households. It is nestled in mountains, but there are rice paddies on the eastern side of the village.
In this region, Itado Bangaku has been practiced for nearly 400 years, taking place every August.

板戸番楽保存会(会長 藤原幸雄)が中心となって大人たちも子どもたちも熱心に何回も練習して本番に備えます。

The Itado Bangaku Preservation Group (Chaired by Mr. Yukio Fujiwara) has played a central role in preparation for the real event, practicing extensively with people of all ages, including adults and children.


This traditional dance is performed at the Okumiya Shrine’s annual festival for the gods to pray for a good harvest, family safety, and good health. It was postponed during the COVID-19 pandemic period, but it was performed splendidly and solemnly on August 20th this year.


The group has been making efforts to cultivate successors who can preserve the tradition for the entire village.



※【板戸地域】湯沢市 皆瀬 令和1年度認定

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