(県央)由利本荘市 須郷地域 / Sugo Area, Yurihonjo City

令和4年9月15日 / September 15th, 2022


It was mid-September, just before the rice harvest. Mr. Shinichi Takahashi, the president of the Sugo community group, told us about the "shimehari," a traditional event in the Higashiyuri area to ward off evil spirits.


Once a year, after the Bon festival, all the households gather to pound straw to make a 10-meter-long serpent, which is then attached to a large tree at the entrance of the village to prevent disease and misfortune from entering the community.


Protected by the serpent, the Sugo village has a beautiful landscape of rice fields cut into the mountains, where most of the seven households continue to grow rice and raise livestock.


関連ページ:あきた里地里山だより(県央)由利本荘市須郷地域 2017年8月撮影







※【須郷地域】由利本荘市東由利黒渕 平成28年度認定

取材:情報発信推進員 平元美沙緒