In the abundant nature of Akita, there are breathtakingly beautiful regions that will heal you so much that you wouldn’t want to leave. On this page, 3 community reporters will introduce you to the fascinating life in the agricultural villages and how to enjoy your visit to the fullest.
県北地区 Northern Akita
県央地区 Central Akita
県南地区 Southern Akita
The view in Akita which attracts people is actually unspoiled nature. It is normally the nature inherited from ancestors for long time. The nature has been protected, while being modified well so that it can be left for the next generation. Needless to say, nature is one of the most essential components in our daily life. A view where nature and human beings’ interaction make people want to keep gazing, keep feeling and sharing with friends or even kept for themselves.
What we see today will be different in tomorrow because of the daily changes in nature. However, no matter how many years pass, you will be able to encounter the same beautiful landscape if you come to Akita in the same season. We are sharing some of the landscapes photos and articles that make you want to visit Akita.
情報発信推進員のご紹介 Introduction of the staff members

県北地区担当 七尾清己 Kiyomi Nanao
生まれた場所は、日本一高い杉まで歩いて行ける超避暑地。若い頃は、アウトドア人間。夏は山、冬はスキーに明け暮れていました。最近は、バイクツーリングと木工にはまり、身の回りは木に溢れています。 ココにしかないオンリーワン的な取材ができればと思っております。一番好きな場所は、発荷峠から見るコバルトブルーな十和田湖。そして、夏の終りごろ太陽が日本海にジュッと沈む八森海岸の夕日。

県央地区担当 平元美沙緒 Misao Hiramoto

県南地区担当 山本信作 Shinsaku Yamamoto
