(県北)大館市 根下戸町地域/Negeto-Cho Area,Odate City
令和2年9月30日 / September 30th,2020.
Every year at this time, there is a rice paddy that catches my eye: the rice-drying racks (“hasa”) that appear Negetocho, Odate City, are not something we are used to seeing in Akita. This year I got a chance to talk with Mr. Ishida, who engages in this rice-drying method.

According to Mr. Ishida, this assembling method is called “yozukuhade” and is commonly practiced in some parts of Shimane prefecture. He has been sun-drying the harvested rice in a similar way for about 10 years since he learned of the technique. Here Mr. Ishida teaches local elementary school children how to grow rice from planting to harvesting. I could imagine how the children would become interested and enjoy the farm work.
取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己