(県北)北秋田市 前山地域/Maeyama Area,Kita-akita City
令和2年8月2日 / August 2nd,2020.
Terraced rice paddies in the Maeyama area of Kita-akita City grow crops such as amaranth, foxtail millet, and broom-corn millet. They are organically cultivated, promoting a unique agricultural practice in this area.

On this day, a family event organized by a community group, Maeyama Genkimura, was held along a farm road. Children enjoyed catching insects and playing in water. For lunch, they had rice balls with the cereals and savored the blessings of their local community.

Mr. Kumagai led the children to play in the river, saying he wanted to feed off their energy. On another area, smaller children were playing in a special pool made of plastic sheets with big smiles on their faces.

Amaranth is at its peak in late August, which could exceed 2 meters tall. There a signboard erected to show its designation as a site of “Mamoritai Akita no Satochi Satoyama 50” (50 Most Valuable Mountain Villages in Akita).
取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己