(県南)大仙市 小沼地域/Konuma Area, Daisen City
令和2年10月17日 / October 17th,2020.

In the Konuma area of Toyooka, Daisen City, an event called “Historical Exploration and Tasting of Harvested Crops of Terraced-rice Fields” was held.
After a 30-minute hike on a steep hill after the red torii gate, we finally arrived at the shrine. Participants, including elementary school students, parents, university students, and local residents, joined in this event to learn about the history of the local area.

The participants also planted ajisai flowers (Hydrangeas) to commemorate this event. On the way back from the shrine, the group also hiked up to the Izasawa Jurokusawa Castle Ruins Green Park (Izasawa Joshi Ryokuchi Koen), an old residence site of the Fujiwara clan in the mid-11th century, and learned about the history of the castle. At the end of the day, the group enjoyed rice balls made of rice harvested from the terraced-rice fields and local traditional cuisine (such as Hinomaru-nabe) prepared by the local women’s association. They spent an enjoyable and fruitful day.
取材:情報発信推進員 山本信作