(県北)八峰町 八森地域/Hachimori Area, Happou Town
令和2年6月20日 / June 20th,2020.

Cabbage harvesting was underway at the Mase Farm Co., Ltd., in Hachimori area of Hachimori Town. Cabbage heads get cracked under the long rainy season, so the work had to be done in a hurry.
In addition, they have converted the poorly drained fields on the river terraces into a farmland through a prefectural project, which has allowed them to cultivate green onions and Japanese gentian (Gentiana scabra Bunge).

Green onions are planted in 5 parts. Some of them have grown to about 20 cm after having been planted in early April, while some others had just been planted. They were all growing very well.

特別編 取材途中で見つけたいい所 八峰町八森編
取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己