(県南)湯沢市 土沢地域 / Tsuchisawa in Yuzawa City
令和元年10月13日 / October 13th, 2019.
湯沢市土沢地域で「土沢の宝を知る・守る・考える交流会」が行われました。 地域の守り神の土沢神社の歴史を知り、周辺に住んでいる方々を含めて、さらなる親睦を深め、楽しい集落になることを目的としました。
An exchange meeting called “Learn, Protect, and Think about the Treasures of Tsuchisawa” was held in Tsuchisawa area, Yuzawa City. The purpose of this event was to gain knowledge of the Tsuchisawa shrine which protects the area and deepen the friendship among the people who live in the area to make the community more pleasant place to live.

At the shrine, there were talks about the Kannon statue (the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy) and the history of the Tanishi pond, as well as a lecture on the area at a community center. A Yuzawa City tour guide talked about the history and culture. A representative from the Land Improvement District showed a slideshow of the rural landscapes and traditional customs. A representative from Yamada Agri-service Co., Ltd talked about their agricultural business concept. And, the president of a local resident’s association shared his vision of the bright future.

この会は、秋田県 里地里山サポート活動支援事業を活用して実施されました。
参照:【里地里山地域 保全活動】土沢の宝を知る・守る・考える(湯沢市土沢地域)
取材:情報発信推進員 山本信作