(県央)秋田市 太平地域 / Taihei in Akita City
令和2年1月17日 / January 17th, 2020.
The annual Miyoshi Bonden Festival, in which people pray for the happiness of the year, was held at the main shrine of Taiheizan-Miyoshi Shrine. This shine consists of the okumiya on top of the holy Mt. Taihei and the satomiya in Hiroomote, Akita City.



Bonden is the object that represents the divine spirits. People carry them around, for it is believed to ward off the evil spirits and purify the houses. Bonden is, at the end of the festival, dedicated to the god at the shrine. This festival has been continuing since the Edo period and remained as Akita City’s unique winter tradition.
There are some bondens called mura-bonden (“village bonden”) that come from the nearby towns as well as the ones created by organizations such as local companies and elementary schools. This year, 71 bondens were made by 61 groups and dedicated during the festival.
取材:情報発信推進員 平元美沙緒