(県央)にかほ市 大竹地域 / Otake in Nikaho City
令和2年3月4日 / March 4th, 2020.
In the fields of Ms. Toshiko Sasaki, the owner of Garden Café Time, there are lots of other fruit trees such as yuzu, blueberry, and raspberry. She has more than 500 kinds of plants in the whole field.






Lavender, narcissus, rape, yamabuki (Kerria japonica), cherry blossoms and other flowers are impatiently waiting for the spring to come. If you look closely, you could find fukujuso (Adonis ramose) and fukinoto (butterbur sprout), which are the signs of spring, already in bloom.
営業時間 10:00~15:00
定休日 火曜日・水曜日・木曜日
住所 〒018-0322 にかほ市大竹字前谷地131
電話(FAX) 0184-38-3537
取材:情報発信推進員 平元美沙緒