(県央)秋田市 上新城地域 / Kamishinjo in Akita City

令和元年7月7日 / July 7th, 2019.

快晴となった七夕の日、秋田市上新城にある農家民宿 重松の家で「笹巻き作りとホタル観察」のイベントが行われました。親子連れなど20名が集まって、オーナーの佐藤祐子さんからレクチャーを受けました。

On a sunny day of tanabata (the star festival), an event of sasamaki making and firefly observation was held at the Farm Inn Jumatsunoie in Kamishinjo, Akita City. A group of 20 people, including parents and children, gathered and received a lecture from the owner, Ms. Yuko Sato.


One hour to fight with sasamaki! (Sasamaki is a traditional rice cake wrapped in bamboo leaves.) There was an elementary school girl who said “It's fun! This is just like a souvenir of Totoro”. Also, a man said, “I remember making this as a child. I felt nostalgic and quite enjoyed the experience.” It just made them all smile in a very friendly atmosphere.



住 所:秋田市上新城小又字田中13
電 話:018-870-2345


住 所:秋田市上新城五十丁字小林190-1
電話 018-893-3412、FAX 018-893-3413



取材:情報発信推進員 平元美沙緒