(県北)大館市 別所地域 / Bessho Area in Odate City

令和元年 8月 25日 / August 25th, 2019.


In August, 12 local residents gathered to harvest hops in Bessho area. The farm’s owner, Mr.Toyomi Hatakeyama, is cutting off the vines that stretch out to 5.5m above the ground. Looking up to hops that came to fruition, they looked like green roses in the sky.


Odate City’s hop cultivation was at its peak in 1987. Back then, 122 producers cultivated an area of 73ha, but today there are only 4 producers who cultivate 3.5ha.

“This is no easy work for the elderly workers because it requires them to work high up. Many people have retired leaving the equipment behind, so I hope young people could take advantage of it to continue the cultivation,” says Mr. Hatakeyama.








取材:情報発信推進員 七尾清己