(県南)湯沢市 東福寺地域/Tofukuji Area, Yuzawa City
平成30年9月16日/ September 16th, 2018.
9月16日、湯沢市駒形にある東福寺ため池(管理者:稲川土地改良区 瀬川等理事長)で、どろんこ学校が開催された。
On Septemeber 16th, there was an event called Doronko Gakko (“muddy school”) at an irrigation pond of Tofukuji in Komagata, Yuzawa City.

The purposes of this event were to have local children gain a deeper understanding of the function of irrigation ponds and experience the fun of catching fish while draining the accumulated mud from the pond. It was the first time in 4 years that they were able to hold such an event, since they had been cancelled for rainstorms and bears seen nearby. 11 children participated and enjoyed catching fish in the mud, like an enormous 70cm koi fish, with big smiles on their faces.
The Tofukuji irrigation pond is managed and maintained by Inakawa Land Improvement District (Chairman Mr. Hitoshi Segawa).
〒012-0105 秋田県湯沢市川連町上平城120
TEL 0183-42-2116 / FAX 0183-42-2119
取材:情報発信推進員 中村章