(県南)羽後町 田代地域ほか/Tashiro area and other places in Ugo Town

平成30年10月16日/ October 16th, 2018.


In October, I visited Tashiro area, which is famous as one of the prominent producers of the wagyu, Japanese beef, in Akita Prefecture. Because rice straws were necessary for the beef production, hasagake (a traditional way to dry the harvested rice on racks) were commonly seen in this area until a few years ago. However, this year the grains were removed from the straws with combine before being dried on racks, and only the straws were dried in the field.


After Tashiro, I headed off toward Kamitomai next. I saw some farmers in the middle of threshing work. They said, “we might be the only ones in this area who still practice hasagake in the traditional way.” In the current of the times, another seasonal signifier of autumn seems to be going away. On this occasion, I promised myself to keep the scenery in my memories and make a record of it.




取材:情報発信推進員 中村章