(県南)羽後町 田代地域/Tashiro in Ugo town
平成29年10月29日撮影 / October 29th,2017
A tasting and presentation for “Akita Onishibori Murasaki”, a new variety of pungent Japanese radish, took place in Tashiro district of Ugo Town.Kazuno City is famous for the production of the Matsudate shibori radish, but the Akita Agricultural Experiment Station made improvements to the Matsudate shibori radish and additionally developed purple radish. When used as a condiment for soba noodles, it proved to be a satisfying dish that was aesthetically pleasing, delectable, and fulfilling.

As the representative of the Sobaken who took part in the cultivation process, Mr. Inooka was determined to spread the name of “Akita Ugo Karami Daikon” as the regional specialty of Ugo Town.
*(Sobaken)=Technical Committee of Buckwheat Cultivation


取材:情報発信推進員 中村章