(県央)由利本荘市 須郷地域/Sugo in Yurihonjo city

平成29年8月20日撮影/August 20th,2017


There is a custom in which they make pythons out of straws at the entrance of village in order to avoid bad spirits. This custom is called “Shime-Hari” and is held in Sugo village in Higashiyuri area. (7 households 18people, representative Shinichi-Takahashi)


This tradition is one of the annual events that has been carried for more than 70 years. Besides the talisman, it also plays an important role such as prayer of good harvest and home safety. Moreover, it became the record selected intangible folk cultural property for Akita prefecture in 2011. The reprehensive Takahashi says “we would like to continue this rare tradition in the future which inherited from ancestors”






取材:情報発信推進員 鐙長秀