(県南)横手市 大沢・山内地域/Osawa and Sannai in Yokote city
平成30年2月25日撮影/February 25th,2018

Osawa and Sannai area in Yokote city is one of the well known place for its grape production. This place got 50cm of snow on 10th of February and it continued to snow until it gets 130cm on 13th, even the grape shelf got 70cm of snow above the grape shelf. The staff ended up doing snow shoveling over and over again because it kept snowing.
The grape shelf was mostly broken during 2011~2012 because of the heavy snowfall. Moreover, the stem teal damage of grapes was very severe. When the recovery of all the incidence was completed, the another heavy snowfall hit this year.

However, the producers could not give up on making the grapes. Their only motivation is the priceless smile of the customers. The spring is also most there.