(県央)にかほ市 小滝地域/Kotaki in Nikaho city
平成30年1月7日撮影/January 7th,2018
Kinpou Shrine, located in Kisakata town in Nikaho City, performs a traditional mandala that carries a long history. This mandala is called “Mandala Mochi Uranai”, which means a rice cake fortune telling mandala. It has been performed for over 600 years for fortune telling for the prediction of how the rice crop and climate will be for the year.

After rituals and offerings such as Shishimai are dedicated, the oldest son that is in charge of the town at the time the ritual is realized, decides the rice crop of the year by looking at the Mochi’s gloss and surface. Afterwards, the Mochi is turned over to the “Eyes of the society” then, a bill is put on its top, and lastly, fire is placed around the Mochi, in four directions to burn it. This part of the ritual is used to predict the rain and the wind’s circumstances by observing how the Mochi burns. The Mochi is provided to the Shrine parishioner and the participants, after it is divided into 12 pieces and the priest throws the mocha to the direction of Eho, the favorable direction.

取材:情報発信推進員 鐙長秀