(県央)秋田市 上新城地域/Kamishinjo in Akita city
平成30年1月15日撮影/January 15th,2018
秋田市上新城地域に古くから伝わる小正月の行事体験や、地元料理を味わう催しが農家民宿重松の家でありました。 NPO法人秋田花まるっグリーン・ツーリズム推進協議会による研修事業で、NPO法人子育て応援Seed(代表・山崎純)が協力しました。参加者は8名の留学生を含む大学生と5家族でした。
A celebration of the Little New Year (a festival held on January 15th) was held in Jyumatsuno-ie in Kamishinjyo area in Akita city. Participants were able to experience a traditional customs and try some traditional food served in the event. This event was one of the training programs conducted by Hanamaru green tourism council and the corporations from NPO Support for Young Parents, Seed. (representative Jyun Yamasaki) Eight university students, including international students and five families participated in the event.

After everybody tried pounding Mochi, the participants learned about the little new year as well as the origin of the Namahage from the sub-chief priest of Shoto-in and then, enjoyed eating traditional local food. After that, the Namahage came in and the participants were very excited to it for the first time.

マップは「農家民宿 重松の家」を指しています。GoogleMapへ
農家民宿 重松の家
住所 秋田市上新城小又字田中13
電話 018-870-2345
オーナー 佐藤重博・祐子
取材:情報発信推進員 鐙長秀