(県北)北秋田市 阿仁戸鳥内地域/Anitotorinai in Kitaakita city
平成29年9月30日撮影/September 30th,2017
The 10th Ani-Totorinai regional harvesting event was held on a rainy Septeber 30th day. The events’ participants were instructed by Totorinai-Harvest-study group, they told “When you have collected four roots of rice, put them down together, and then harvest another rice plant. Then put it over the number 1 sign to make an X shape.” Tying the rice plant roots together is the second step. Participants were praised when they did it right, but at other times were corrected by the instructor.

The participants also tried to use a rice-reaping machine, which is called a “Binder”. Those harvested rice will still need to be put through the process of “Hasa-gake.” This rice, which is grown with pure water from Mount Moriyoshi, and then dried in Tanada must be great.


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