(県南)大仙市 余目地域/Amarume in Daisen city
平成29年7月19日撮影 / July 19th,2017
7月19日、大仙市立 内小友(うちおとも)小学校3年児童12名によるそばの種まき体験が行われました。この体験は様々な地域づくりに取り組んでいる「余目地域活性化対策いきいき会議協議会」(三浦正彦会長)の協力により行われました。
July 19th, 12 3rd year students from Daisen city Uchiotomo elementary school experienced Soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles) planting. This activity was held with the cooperation of "Amarume regional activation countermeasure council", which deals with various activities that contributes to regional development. This organization is lead by Mr, Masahiko Miura.

After president Miura had demonstrated how to plant the seeds, students formed a line as they plant, to distribute the seeds on the farm equally. After planting, questions such as what the origin of the name of Amarume Soba is, how the flowers bloom, and how to make soba were asked. For fall, soba making and tasting are planned.

- 余目余目いきいき産地直売所(営業日:土日)
取材:情報発信推進員 中村章