Local restaurant in Akita
We highly recommend you to stay at farmer’s guest house when you come to Akita. Farmer’s guest house is an accommodation style which farmers use their own home or vacant house to host visitors. You can experience a life of rural Japan that you cannot do at ordinary hotels.
What you can try differ house by house, but you can enjoy a lot by cooking meals together.
Why Onigiri is Triangle
I’ve learned a lot of cooking at farmer’s guest house. Onigiri: rice ball was the best one. Onigiri is well known in Thailand too because many convenience stores sell them. It is familiar also because from Anime and TV shows which people eat Onigiri.
But it was difficult to make one. I was surprised how local people make Onigiri. They placed rice that is just cooked on their hand and make it a triangle. Cooked rice is very hot and hard even touch. It was also challenging to make a good shape as local people did. I used to think that Onigiri is produced in factory using machines. I’ve heard that many mothers in Japanese family make Onigiri and kids take it as school lunch. It’s heartwarming to know that Onigiri is made with love and support for children. (From Thailand)