(県央)男鹿市 安全寺地域 / Anzenji in Oga City
令和元年6月2日 / June 2nd, 2019.
Anzenji area of Oga City is known for their beautiful terraced rice fields. Owners of beautiful rice paddies of satoyama (mountain villages) participated in "Rice Planting and Scarecrow Making Experience," in which they celebrated the 6th annual event.
About 40 people have gathered from Akita City and other cities around prefecture. Adults and children, along with a namahage (an Akita's iconic folklore figure) as their surprise guest, tried it very hard and got all covered in mud.

They said, "we feel energized to have people outside our community come and participate in this event. We are happy to hear children around us. We get to meet up more often to prepare for the event, so we are strengthening solidarity within our community."
In the afternoon, we made 15 scarecrows, guardians of the terraced rice fields.



- 里山のカフェににぎ(農家民宿&カフェ)(公式HPhttp://ninigi-cafe.com/)
- 浜のそば
- こおひい工房珈音(公式HPhttps://kanon-coffee.com/)
- かもあおさ笑楽校

取材:情報発信推進員 平元美沙緒